Executive Board

SPA is governed by an executive board that is selected in June/early-July.

2023-2024 SPA Board Members

Past President – Karen Thomas

President – Richelle Kasten

President Elect – vacant

Communications/Marketing Coordinator - Michael Hamilton

Program Development Coordinator –  Vacant

Program Development Coordinator - Ashley Hintermeyer

Secretary/Treasurer – Ian McArthur

Edgewood College Liaison – Catherine Kiesler

Madison College Liaison - vacant

UW-Madison Liaison - Nicole Kaforski

Graduate Student Representative – vacant

Undergraduate Student Representative - vacant

Scroll here to learn more about the SPA E-Board positions.

President Roles

The President-Elect, President, and Past-President is a three-year term.

These three officers will also determine who will assist if a vacancy occurs within the committee structure and who will be responsible to ensure the duties are accomplished. Other duties as relevant (ie., participation in other planning activities of the Executive Board, working with the Board on proposing new initiatives and directions, in partnership with the SPA membership).

Campus Liaisons

Edgewood College, Madison College, and UW-Madison (One from each campus)

Responsible for outreach to specific institutions of higher education to promote membership and professional development opportunities in SPA. Serve as active participants in the planning of Annual Conference, Awards, and Socials. Serves as a point person for liaising with Edgewood, Madison College, and UW-Madison Senior Level Staff (ex. Dean of Students, VP of Student Life). Represents the interests of student affairs professionals at their respective institutions on the executive board and for SPA events.

Communications/Marketing Coordinator

Creates SPA communication pieces (i.e. email blasts, flyers, social media, etc.) and works to create consistency in communication. Serves as SPA webmaster. Updates and maintains SPA community roster and email list. Responsible for checking and responding to the SPA Gmail account; managing social media presence. Create marketing material and flyers for all SPA events and communication. 

Program Development Coordinator (2 roles)

Responsible for the coordination of most events, such as the SPA Fall Kick-off meeting and End-of-Year Social (with Executive Board), including other events that arise throughout the year; helps coordinate events other Executive Board members coordinate. Chair of general SPA subcommittees. 


Handles all financial transactions. Maintains budget information and provides updates as needed to the Executive Board; Creates correspondence as necessary related to fiduciary items on behalf of the SPA Executive Board. Responsible for tracking and monitoring the spending and income of the organization as well as maintaining our compliance with budgetary guidelines. Oversees the use of Square or other fee gathering database. (2 years)

Student Representatives: 

These positions are elected to serve as the liaison between the Executive Board, SPA general membership, and the students. Plan panels and forums about career opportunities in higher education and related areas. Participate in the planning of all board events of interest.  There are four roles:  a graduate student representative and one undergraduate representative each from Edgewood College, Madison College, and UW-Madison.

If you are interested in applying for candidacy, submit an application here.